umbrellas that brighten up any  rainy day

A Couple of kids were throwing paper planes from

Brooklyn Bridge into the East River in New York City,

Suddenly it started to pour down with rain and one of the

kids unfolded a paper plane to use as shelter.

This ´happening ´triggered the start of HAPPYSWEEDS.


The paper plane inspired the first HAPPYSWEEDS umbrella

named Brooklyn Bridge...

it led to the creation of colourful, happy and unique designs.

HAPPYSWEEDS design umbrellas that brighten up any gloomy

and rainy day.


High quality, function and design that gives you

a "feel good" factor and it is easy to find one

that fits your character and personality.


It always shines bright with HAPPYSWEEDS.


Nordic Design


Marianne Leveringhaus

Asternweg 6

51503 Rösrath

T. +49 2205 920 59 11

F. +49 2205 920 59 12

M. +49 176 240 021 58

Besuchen Sie uns auch auf:


Nordic Design


Marianne Leveringhaus

Bensberger Straße 271

51503 Rösrath

T. +49 2205 920 59 11

F. +49 2205 920 59 12

M. +49 176 240 021 58

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