High Qualitiy, handmade and elegant

Contact with various cultures and local craftsmen by travelling around the world, partly because of his job as an airline pilot, increased Dominique’s interest in all inherent design styles and fuelled his long-time passion for handmade and elegant furniture design even more.

His passion for interior design and refined furniture has prompted Dominique Quintelier to start his own home furnishings company.

The concept of Defleure is to offer high-quality, handmade and elegant contemporary furniture design and home decor accessories.




Nordic Design


Marianne Leveringhaus

Asternweg 6

51503 Rösrath

T. +49 2205 920 59 11

F. +49 2205 920 59 12

M. +49 176 240 021 58


Besuchen Sie uns auch auf:


Nordic Design


Marianne Leveringhaus

Bensberger Straße 271

51503 Rösrath

T. +49 2205 920 59 11

F. +49 2205 920 59 12

M. +49 176 240 021 58


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